Kashinath Patekar
Kashinath Patekar
I found [this answer](https://stackoverflow.com/a/55790599/11389917) on StackOverflow. The fix worked for me.
I am using the same version of extension, but cannot reproduce the issue. Could you share your `settings.json` ? Note that explicitly specifying include patterns will _override_ the default settings,...
Yes, via the `todohighlight.keywordsPattern` option, you can specify a RegExp. Note that `todohighlights.keywords` will be ignored if `todohighlight.keywordsPattern` is set. Refer the README's example configuration for more info.
I found a solution inspired by `IntelliJ`'s `Smart Tomcat` plugin's approach, which does not need repeated copying of files For this, we need to change the configuration of Tomcat a...
This issue is most probably because of directory structure of src/ not being same as expected