Patrick Steinmann
Patrick Steinmann
I think the current functionality is perfectly sufficient from an exploratory modelling standpoint. I imagine most systems being studied with the workbench are non-terminating, so using `model.run_length` to control that...
Would that enable new functionality? Or just be a cleaner implementation of the existing functionality?
It's certainly intriguing. Pandas seems to have extensive time series capability. Might also simplify clustering and pattern analysis in outputs. As for the originally raised issue, I would be fine...
Progress bar demo files: [](
`pbar.update()` could probably go in the `AbstractCallback`, but the main `tqdm` call has to wrap around whatever is being iterated over. From my understanding, the `AbstractCallback` is called after every...
Wow, that is way more structured than anything I could have come up with. Mixins look useful, never heard of that. Regarding run stats, Jason and I used: * number...
I think it makes sense to re-use the stats already collected by `tqdm`. So I will take a look at what can be done with `postfix`. I don't feel comfortable...
I have been using pair plots a lot recently to inspect scenario boxes and have found contour plots really useful. Seaborn's PairGrid plot seems more powerful than the PairPlot used...
OK cool. Happy to take a stab at it. Two discussion items: 1) There is also the option to do a bivariate histogram, see upper triangle here:  I think...
Update, i figured out the axis rescaling this morning. Implemented a first version and also included an old TODO mentioned in a comment for cdf's on the diagonal. Function call...