Steffen Enders
Steffen Enders
Hi! Yes, I was actually already planning to create a pull-request for this. I hope I will have enough time next week :)
> I've started an implementation of this, but ran into a couple bugs as mentioned in [that PR]( If y'all want to address them (or just release as-is) go ahead--...
Hi! Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately, we cannot reproduce the error on Linux or macOS. It will take us a couple of days to get ourselves a Windows installer....
@ebehner Could you take a look at this? :)
As pointed out in, the `requirements.txt` has been updated in v0.1.2
Hey @CouleeApps , what's the status on this PR? By the way, we have fixed the issue for dewolf not producing any output when crashing for a subset of functions...
dewolf is now available on
Update: We also were not able to reproduce this error neither on a recent Windows VM nor on a Windows machine. Feel free to open in case this error persists...