Results 67 issues of Stefan Sundin

Hi! It would be great if horizontal scrolling was supported. It would also be great if shift+scroll would do horizontal scrolling, for when you don't have a mouse with a...


Hi there. This file works properly: ![screen shot 2015-11-04 at 10 49 32 am]( But when I move so that the comment block is first, it does not automatically detect...

Hello again :) This PR is basically with an extra commit that adds compatibility for the protocol format in use over at Perhaps when the built-in protocol handler...

Hello, I wanted to play with a native arm64 build on an M1 MacBook, so I had to pull the latest ioq3 code. It works great in my brief testing....

Hello everyone. When I prepared to release v1.1, I realized that the source code has gotten quite complicated. I think it reached this state because I tried to make everyone...


It seems Windows 10 includes some invisible window borders in `GetClientRect`, causing snapping to have a few extra pixels of distance to other windows (only seem to affect horizontally). According...

Press the thumbs up below if you want this feature.

Kinda like Windows does it. Press the thumbs up below if you want this feature.

I have disabled the popup so that clicking the GN button should just open the Gmail tab that I already have open. I also unchecked "Search for an open Gmail...

Hello. I have been working on updating our electron app to the latest electron version (20.0.1, previously we used 17.3.1) and we had a breakage in our use of babylon.js...