Stefan Penner

Results 204 comments of Stefan Penner

Just let me know, I'll gladly submit a PR if there is interest

awesome, just came to this conclusion as well. @AvianFlu whats holding this up?

Today, if you wanted to cache a binary object that would be as a buffer, and enabled via `supportBuffer: true`. I'm not really sure what it means to cache a...

I see, that is not currently supported, but could be. Unclear if I have time to do so, but would welcome a PR.

Ok. I'm unsure about available time, but I'll keep it on my queue. especially if I run into it more often.

woohooo! Hopefully i find some time to muck around this this. It would be awesome if someone had time to port over some of the esnext transforms. I'll try to...

> I'm basically proposing adding a ember fix-dependencies command that does essentially the following: > > For npm deps installed at the wrong versions: rimraf('node_modules/'); `npm` v3 should already do...

> @stefanpenner ember fix-dependencies should just run npm install for npm and for bower it should remove and install? interestingly, it could do the "right thing" based on which npm...

> @stefanpenner what do think of this? can it have any unwanted side effects? i think a warning is appropriate, and would be wonderful