Stefano Ferrario
Stefano Ferrario
Use 2 Shelly RGBW 2 to control 8 different 12V led spot. One of the two Shelly RGBW 2 is correctly added to Homebridge and HomeKit as 4 different spot...
I'm trying to setup weather adjust time using my Netatmo station and some open weather map API. I use this [file]( with some changes and this was the result: ```...
Hi, I add seme Dahua Cameras to Home Assistant and all seems to be fine! I can't see the camera on Home app using HomeKit. Maybe there are some passages...
After successful configuration I have error "Cannot connect to Bosch gateway".
Hi, I add some NVR Dahua camera's to Home Assistant and I can see all cameras in Home Kit app. Unfortunately I noticed that motion sensor in Home Kit app...
When I try to start the add-on the process fail with "6-overlay-suexec: fatal: can only run as pid 1" error on Raspberry pi4
I have a problem with my Dahua NVR cameras. I can see all my camera on Home Assistant and Home Kit but using Home Kit I can't see live video....
After last update Motion detection works correctly only at the first alarm and then no more. I'm not able to find out which is the problem.
Hi, I have installed all components and configured my smart irrigation but the Main Dashboard is very slow responding. Anyone has the same problem?