Hi! Is there an update to support PHP 8? cheers!
Hello, having on mp_forcechasecam "2" c4 is not seen when you are dead and you are ct. It hurts a lot for competitive servers that need only the first person...
Hello! I have problems when I change the scoreboard when the mp_scoreboard variables are activated, my only solution for now is to deactivate them. The way I change the teams...
I need an administrator to be able to create html templates for users so that they can fill out these custom forms. How can I allow the input tag?
In line 356 for pausecfg.sma change to if (g_systemNum < (MAX_SYSTEM -1)) or define in line 22 #define MAX_SYSTEM 33 Regards.
At the end of the menu time it does not close and executes the controller action but only does so when the user selects a menu option. Use AMXX 1.9.5229...
Inside GameQ/Protocols/Source.php In the $packets array I find this self::PACKET_DETAILS => "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFTSource Engine Query\x00%s", Which fails when I try to get information from a CS 1.6 server using ReHLDS +...