``` clips = [] for _, name in urls: img = name.replace("webp", "jpg")"RGB").save(img) clips.append(ImageClip(img).set_duration(3)) video = CompositeVideoClip([ clip.fx(transfx.slide_out, duration=0.4, side="left") for clip in clips ]) video.write_videofile(file_name, codec="libx264", audio_codec="aac", preset="ultrafast",...
Is there a way to use Frida in Python to call a phone number? If it does, do you have any snippet? i actually have no clue on how to...
[decoding.log]( [encoding-aapt.failed.log]( [encoding-aapt2.failed.log](
## Checklist - [x] I'm reporting a bug unrelated to a specific site - [x] I've verified that I'm running yt-dlp version **2021.10.10** - [x] I've checked that all provided...