tools copied to clipboard
a collection of useful tools, including SKTimeStamp and StExBar
Hi there, Unfortunately, it seems Windows does not honor modified time as the latest time at least according to the Windows Pro 10 system which I am using. I was...
If you may count on my voice for feature request #15, I'd love to have more available string related actions in the text replace definition (which could definitively justify the...
What MS did to the naviation pane is terrible, I really hate the Quick Access section and everything grouped under This PC. I prefer to have it the old way:...
I would like to recommend the ability to open the Console or PowerShell windows `As Administrator` by the user holding down `Ctrl`+`Shift` when they click on the toolbar icon. This...
I scanned the registry for all references to the dll but is there an easier way to uninstall this since it is a complete no-op? Thanks.
tks a lot
名稱: StExBar 發行者: Open Source Developer, Stefan KUENG 類型: 工具列(toolbar) 架構: 64 位元(x64) 版本: 檔案日期: 2017年3月8日, 下午 09:35 上次存取日期: 2019年12月21日, 上午 10:33 類別識別碼: {6C7A85A7-27C6-49CE-98B2-A8479B0DD63D} 使用計數: 0(it never load successful)...
how do I temporarily disable `STExBar`? I may want to test if it affects another program. So how do I "turn off" the toolbar?
Hi, could you explain what Filter.cpp does? Thank you very much!
I sometimes perform similar or few different search replaces often so it would be nice if the rename dialog could remember the previously used expression combinations which I can recall...