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StExBar, show avtived in add-ons, but can't load successful on toolbar.
名稱: StExBar 發行者: Open Source Developer, Stefan KUENG 類型: 工具列(toolbar) 架構: 64 位元(x64) 版本: 檔案日期: 2017年3月8日, 下午 09:35 上次存取日期: 2019年12月21日, 上午 10:33 類別識別碼: {6C7A85A7-27C6-49CE-98B2-A8479B0DD63D} 使用計數: 0(it never load successful) 封鎖計數: 2(been locked times) 檔案: StExBar.dll 資料夾: C:\Program Files\StExBar
since i use zh_TW(traditional) the info show some different my system now is win10_1909 with ie ver.11.535.18362.0 (update ver.11.0.165(kb4530677)) i've tried which i can try from GitHub issue or original homepage (even delete the hkcu keys) but it still can't showup on ie toolbar, even not show the name "StExBar"...