Stefan G. Weichinger

Results 31 issues of Stefan G. Weichinger

Situation: 2nd domain name "" points to same IP as "" Added a mapping via fwd works for but not for ssl issues ... I assume I...

* new var {{ rclone_binary_path }} * new default value for rclone_version: "stable" * correction of role-name in molecule.yml: this will help including {{ rclone_binary_path }} in the molecule playbooks

The fact checking script `templates/etc/ansible/facts.d/rclone.fact.j2` (thankfully forked from @drybjed and the debops project) introduced with f281d85bae5464ae0a239771c0a3804dce7febb7 does not return correct facts with the `centos7` and `centos8` instances, when tested via...


So far the role installs from upstream repos only and passes the OS package management. This might be problematic in some cases. I think of adding another installation "mode": a...


A general question: Did you lately test `base-uefi.pkr.hcl` ? I try to get that working (Debian 11.3) with VirtualBox on my Fedora system and see various issues. The `boot_command` seems...

When running `service/ldap`, for example as part of the `bootstrap-ldap.yml` playbook, things fail when an LDAP host object is created or updated. The LDAP constraint for mac_addresses ist violated...

Running the role "elasticsearch" against a configured Debian Bullseye server breaks the config. googled the error message: "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: can not explicitly configure node roles and use legacy role setting [node.master]=[true]"...

The `debops.lxc` role uses the ansible connection plugin `` from [here]( Recently the PR was merged, and it would be nice to port the latest version into debops. @stefangweichinger...

Came back to your project as I looked into building Windows VMs on my local VirtualBox. I remember a working build from a few months ago, today a new run...

In my small role I use your images to run molecule tests. In this issue and the resulting PR I added a check script template: It...