Taylor Arnold

Results 11 comments of Taylor Arnold

I think that is a great idea! Plus, the exact same output could be used with the **keras** package (R studio's port to make keras more "R like") and my...

This generally looks like the right approach. Personally, I am okay with the package just returning the list of indices. As mentioned above, there are usual options to the padding...

Thanks for the suggestion. I know this was an old post, I have had the goal of incorporating this in as a long-term plan but haven't had the time. I...

Could you please provide a minimally working example? I cannot debug this based on the snippet of code alone.

Got it. Yes I will work on adding that (can also show it works to work with only a subset of the frame) as soon as possible. And I agree...

Hello! We've been working on getting a major re-write of the API finished and just pushed a new version to GitHub and PyPI (0.4.0). It has the same core functionality...

Hi Doug! Hello! You caught us in the middle of working on a major re-write of the API finished and just pushed a new version to GitHub and PyPI (0.4.0)....

I agree that getting this on CRAN would be helpful. The only work on **tif** that I have done since September was to make **cleanNLP** compliant with the format; I...

@lmullen It looks like tokenizers is good in terms of the output: ```{r} song

@lmullen Yes, that is exactly what the package does as written. I've changed the column ordering issue with the corpus and tokens object. Can you think of any other outstanding...