Stas Malavin

Results 5 issues of Stas Malavin

particular -> particularly, last text paragraph thanks for the useful course!

Hi @hariszaf , The dev version (2.1.5) produces very long recurrent taxonomy labels like this one: ``` Main genome;Eukaryota;Excavata;Discoba;Kinetoplastea;Kinetoplastea (class);X (Kinetoplastea (class));Kinetoplastea (X (Kinetoplastea (class)));XX (Kinetoplastea (X (Kinetoplastea (class))));Kinetoplastea (XX...

Hello, How about a possibility to rename columns right inside the ```summary``` command? Or just to keep them as is without adding the actual summary function to the column name....


Hello, ## Current Behavior When I include ```qaln``` and ```taln``` fields in my ```convertalis``` results, I occasionally get a null bite (in ```vim``` it looks like ```^@```), which breaks a...

Hi, I'm trying to reproduce your contamination detection in Trichonephila clavipes spider genome (MWRG01, assembly GCA_002102615.1_NepCla1.0). I use the following command: ``` ~/Downloads/conterminator/build/bin/conterminator dna GCA_002102615.1_NepCla1.0_genomic.fna MWRG01 spider_result tmp --ncbi-tax-dump ../Aquifers/DB-LINKS/taxonomy...