I am not sure , even when I am flowing upgrade guide and upgrading to [6.2.4] I have a lot of issues , which is happening while making transfer or...
hello, I have another issue , actually after I upgrade and no issue come out , when I am using $user->pay($item) I see the transactiosns has been done in database...
actually in config/wallet.php if I use Wallet::class as a model I get that error but when I am override the wallet using this model ```
Upd : now I am using Wallet 7.x after I upgraded from 6.1 to 6.2.4 then to 7.x
I noticed somethings else this is my code to make payment ``` \Log::info($company->balanceFloat); if ($balance >= $price ) { $company->pay($invoice); if ((bool)$company->paid($invoice)) { $company->wallet->refreshBalance(); \Log::info($company->balanceFloat); $company->wallet->refreshBalance(); $reseller = ResellerPlan::query()->withoutGlobalScope('company_id')->where('plan_id', $plan->id)->where('reseller_id',...
after a lot of trying now I upgraded my laravel to version 9 , and updated wallet package to version 9.x as well , it seems working well , but...
many thanks for your help , I ll try to figure it out ,if not success I will wait for your help ,
oh without understanding the balance issue has been solved :) I don't know how , but now when I am paying it decreesing the balance . any way , right...