S. Tarık Çetin

Results 21 comments of S. Tarık Çetin

Looks like @AlexWayfer took their sweet time to downvote all the comments. Impressive to be honest.

> Hey @starikcetin > > `stylelint-config-recess-order` isn't included in this engine dependencies. > Codeclimate doesn't install your dependencies, that's why it works locally. So, is there any way of fixing...

I think we hit something we shouldn't have: `Markdig.dll` is included in both this library and [UpmGitExtension](https://github.com/mob-sakai/UpmGitExtension) Therefore Unity shouts at me: ``` PrecompiledAssemblyException: Multiple precompiled assemblies with the same...

@mob-sakai I'll try that tomorrow, and let you guys know.

@mob-sakai Interesting, I couldn't get it to work. For me, the names are already different.

It has wrongly written dependencies. I will try to fork and fix. Dependencies: * type-inspector: https://github.com/k0dep/type-inspector * unirx: https://github.com/k0dep/UniRx (maybe use https://github.com/starikcetin/UniRx instead, since asmdef structure is already there)

Update: Created a draft PR: https://github.com/k0dep/BindingRx/pull/3 Update: PR is no longer a draft: https://github.com/k0dep/BindingRx/pull/3

This problem still exists. As soon as I added `ignoreFiles`, I started getting this error. The problem is the VSCode extension `stylelint.vscode-stylelint` does not respect my `.stylelintignore` file, so I...

changing `G:\Projeny\Source\mtm\config\YamlConfigLoader.py:20` to `yaml.full_load...` or `yaml.safe_load...` makes the warning disappear, but I still get the rest of the errors: ``` Could not load project config for "AllMovers" Could not load...