Stanley Hsu
Stanley Hsu
**Description** **Related issue(s)** Fixes #2856
We need further discussion on this topic. (expect more to-do tasks to be added or breakdown) Migration strategies: - Investigate the increasing bundle size - Investigate the way how to...
**Description** Upgrade Luigi core from webpack v4 to v5 **Related issue(s)** Fixes #2266
Luigi core doesn't support JS optional chaining syntax, but Luigi Client does already.
Create a central file called `luigi_events.js` to manage all luigi events. Most of them are at `App.html`, `uxManager.js`, `lifecycleManager.js` e.g. `luigi.init`, `luigi.navigate.ok`, `luigi.get-context`, etc
### Describe the bug **Issue:** When resizing the browser window, all React elements passed through the actions prop are being re-rendered unexpectedly. This behavior is causing performance issues or unintended...