Keyton Stanier

Results 10 comments of Keyton Stanier

+1 Assuming this won't be resolved through the Chromium code, is there a plausible way to have the application listen for a click event and then trigger the proper counterpart...

Same on Pop!_OS 22.04, `--in-process-gpu` and `--no-sandbox` both fix. Worked peachy back on 21.10

So is Atom officially deprecated in favor of VS Code? Or does Github just wanna let it fade into obscurity because people can't launch it?

As someone who has attempted this before, I would like to shed a little light on what all this project would entail if it were to be realized in a...

Personally, I would go a different route. I have similarly asked myself repeatedly over the past year or so what the best way to do simple LLM inference in a...

Out of curiosity, is there any particular reason this is pushed back so far on the TODO list? I'd think this was essential, considering many developers (myself included) don't like...

RFC 7540 Section 3.2 describes support for discovery of HTTP/2 and use of the Upgrade Mechanism from Section 6.7 of RFC 7230. While I understand that opinions may be that...

@olalonde Well let's hope that means something is being done about it. This pretty much breaks HTTP/2's implementation into ExpressJS, further holding back nodeJS applications to HTTP/1.1 I'm actually surprised...

@ralph3991 imho, Joyent's node has been slower on releases. I'm more surprised that io.js hasn't made a decision on it. They seem rather in limbo on how to deal with...

@CodeTheInternet, assume that responsibility for the issue is being thrown on @strongloop