André Staltz

Results 358 comments of André Staltz

Sampling might be missing. See withLatestFrom and sample in RxJS. Also mergeMap/switchMap/concatMap are all variants of the "asyncMap" type of composition.

I can confirm this issue is happening. With the following MP3 (excerpt in hexadecimal): ``` ... 00000280: 006f 006f 0000 0057 5858 5800 0000 5500 .o.o...WXXX...U. 00000290: 0001 fffe 4900...

Just to check if supporting react-native-web is easy, I did the following changes: - Renamed `node_modules/react-native-image-viewing/dist/components/ImageItem/` to `ImageItem.js` - In `node_modules/react-native-image-viewing/dist/hooks/useImageDimensions.js` I changed `Image.getSizeWithHeaders(source.uri, source.headers,` to `Image.getSize(source.uri,` And it worked!...

Thanks for the note, though this library does not specify compliance with Fantasy Land. > While there is a way to utilize a profunctor lens for the same purpose, to...

I would say it's an orthogonal concept. `useProfunctorState` should give you the same type of powers that `useState` does, but not more. E.g. is there a way to log when...

I understand the problem you're describing, I also faced it once, but here's how I found how to solve it: So it seems to be a matter of documentation:...

Hmm, good point! PRs welcomed (hopefully 2 PRs, one to remove JSX pragma from `@cycle/react-dom`, another to add it here in `@cycle/react`)

> BTW, instead of removing it from @cycle/react-dom at once, what do you think of deprecating it and remove it in the next major version bump? Even better idea!

The example looks a lot like a glitch to me, see I've stumbled upon many bug reports that mention some kind of `xs.combine(xs.of('A'), xs.of('B'))` under the hood, so I...