Henrik Klee

Results 18 comments of Henrik Klee

Cmd + Clicking links in the terminal (with query params) does not work for me

The issue was here: ```ts createRoute({ path: "/{id}", method: "get", request: { params: z.object({ id: z.number().int().positive(), //

@marceloverdijk Even `coerce` breaks type inference: What seems to be working as a workaround is this: ```ts params: z.object({ id: z .string() .transform((v) => Number.parseInt(v)) .refine((v) => !Number.isNaN(v) && v...

hi @marceloverdijk I'm using VS Code. Are you using the Hono client? My inference chain looks like this (in this example for the `Customer` type): 1. Define Drizzle schema 2....

@nicktrn what are your thoughts on this, regarding https://github.com/calcom/cal.com/pull/12043#issuecomment-1786784680

Hi @nicktrn thanks for checking in! > > As far as I can tell, the function `symmetricEncrypt` is used only in `apps/web/pages/api/auth/two-factor/totp/setup.ts` to set up 2FA. I meant to edit...

@nicktrn I have implemented some of your ideas. Unfortunately, detecting whether a secret is encrypted using the old or a new key is not straight forward. Especially, since the initial...

@PeerRich What are your thoughts on this approach?

@PeerRich @nicktrn This PR doesn't change the way crypto works in Cal.com. It does not change the hashing / decrypting algorithms. It enables the transition from the old "legacy" key...