Any timeframe on rc8? Really need this! Appreciate the hard work!
Please let me know how I can get rc8 version? I don't understand where to get - a fixed version is available on npm as "@nidi/html2canvas". I am working on...
I was able to find html2canvas 1.0.0-rc.7 at but not rc.8... Am I missing something?
I tried the rc.7 version today and was unable to save the file. Not sure why. Just got spinning wheel that never completed.
I searched for "@nidi/html2canvas": "1.0.0-rc.8" but it tells me 0 packages found so I guess I don't know how to find it...
Here is my confusion - when I open the js file it says html2canvas 1.0.0-rc.7. so I guess I have the right one but it is not working for my...
Happy to report that it worked! THANK YOU! On Firefox, Safari and Chrome all latest versions. I am getting a shadow where I believe the text area ends? Maybe I...