Thank you.I source and compiled it successful.But when i sh 3-planer , the terminal report warning for disconnected.However,sh 1and sh 2 and sh 4 are successful.
Thank you.My compile environment is ros-indigo.what should i do to make it successful.
HI. I don't modify anything. I want to use it to perform an experiment with my algorithm for path planning. And i hope i can keep learning to you. Now...
Thanks for your patience.I will have a try according to your reply.
that is great! but i have a question that how can i controll them.
thank you. But when i put the code in the terminal: rostopic pub -1 /ardrone_1/takeoff std_msgs/Empty ,the adrone_1 can't takeoff.
thank you. you are great. I hope I can keep learning to you. how can i set a goal and path that the drone can accomplish it autonomously?
Thank you. Can i find the controllers and modify the code in the tum_simulator ?
It's a good idea. I will have a try. And i have a problem that tum_simulator for indigo doesn't suit for kinetic. what should i do?
hello. it's a great work. but how can i change the size of uav?