Alright. Thank you for clearing up my misconception.
Follow-up question then. Should this also be returning true? Because it is: import pycron from datetime import datetime last_run = datetime.strptime("11/12/2021 15:30:55", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") current_time = datetime.strptime("11/12/2021 15:31:56", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")...
I still think there is a problem, if we remove seconds from the equation: import pycron from datetime import datetime for i in range(29,31): last_run = datetime.strptime(f"11/12/2021 15:{i}", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")...
BTW, appreciate the quick responses.
Update from my now deleted status. Rounding doesn't appear to fix anything, just moves the problem around: import pycron import datetime def roundTime(dt=None, roundTo=60): """Round a datetime object to any...
It appears that the fix for this bug is to either add `OSError` to the list of error types on Or, move this line out of the `except` statement:...
Update to my previous post: My above fix will result in some messages getting lost if the program exits while things are still queued. I fixed that by adding a...
I got distracted with other things. I'll put in a PR tonight with my fix for review.
I ran into a related issue. If you set `reusable = false`, the provider still tries to reuse the same key on the next run, even though it is revoked...