Suhas Somnath
Suhas Somnath
May want to adopt things from [Gerd's]( work. Also see [this](
Pycroscopy will benefit if Gwyddion is somehow integrated into it - file reading, filters, etc. I know that they have a python package / interface somewhere
@dxm447 - Can you see how these would fit into the [refactored version](#245) of pycroscopy?
@CFriesn, we welcome any feedback to improve our code and documentation. Would you mind elaborating? What aspects do you find confusing? I invited you to our slack group to alleviate...
@CFriesn I resent the invitations. Perhaps I am sending the invitations to the wrong address (I had to look you up on google)? If your are uncomfortable sharing your email...
@donpatrice and @CFriesn - If you are interested in making changes to the source code, we invite you to do so. I have given you both write access to the...
@donpatrice @CompPhysChris @CFriesn - please communicate details with each other to avoid duplication of efforts
I believe HDF5 has the ability to specify the units and description of a dataset object without the standard attributes dictionary. Need to think about how to handle compound datasets...
on behalf of @ramav87: if you used an earlier version of pycroscopy to fit datasets, then it doesn't save the 'last pixel' attribute. Then running these datasets through the new...
Also, pycroscopy should include functions that can stitch results from multiple measurement groups back to a single dataset when appropriate. For example, if the BE center frequency, bandwidth, and similar...