*Issue #, if available:* - Currently .hasPattern always fails for null values *Description of changes:* - I checked #342 , so I added isNullAllowed variable, and If isNullAllowed is true,...
classifer -> classifier
x_data, y_data 로 선언했는나, 실제로 변수 사용시에는 X와 Y를 사용합니다.
in aws emr, when I use spark lineage, input table is s3 location. but It include partition location. so It doesn't match other ingestion (like glue ingestion) Remove partition pattern....
/kind feature **Describe the solution you'd like** [A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.] In kserve, There are only 400, 404 and 500 in http status...
metadata.dataset.hivePlatformAlias is different from docs and code https://github.com/treff7es/datahub/blob/6fa2ef96c7cdcdd1a6160803787fee4aca5d9290/metadata-integration/java/spark-lineage-beta/src/main/java/datahub/spark/conf/SparkConfigParser.java#L43 ## Checklist - [ ] The PR conforms to DataHub's [Contributing Guideline](https://github.com/datahub-project/datahub/blob/master/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) (particularly [Commit Message Format](https://github.com/datahub-project/datahub/blob/master/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md#commit-message-format)) - [ ] Links to related...
**Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. in acryl-spark-lineage, hive_platform_alias is not working. in docs, it wrote. but I can't find that code. **To...