Shane Smiskol
Shane Smiskol
- Niro 2019 ( [Cabana]( - The stock `LFA_USM` signal is 2 when disengaged, 3 when engaged, but openpilot sends 0. `LFA_HDA` is always 0 - The cars on these...
Toyotas seem reluctant to apply acceleration requests immediately if this bit is set, even if you request a static acceleration of 1.0 m/s/s. There are still issues with the controller...
It seems the lateral MPC's plan is not very accurate when compared to the actual future plan in `steerActuatorDelay` seconds. We can't interpolate the lateral plan to 100 Hz until...
- [ ] Print additions or removals when "logs are not same length" ([an example]( - [ ] Fix random failures (process replay can fail with above message, then pass...
Same issue from an earlier update, though now it fails to fully recognize any EONs on the network or let me click on them to connect. A few moments ago...
Pre-req for two brake thresholds. To allow engagement at a standstill ECM expects brake 20 units, but while moving, 11 causes a fault if ACC doesn't go inactive (a bit...
panda PR: TODO: - [ ] Decide if we need torque winddown bit. Certain cars are not affected immediately by dropping torque actuation bit and maintain full torque
expands to all cars (need to test on 17 Volt as it's said to fault if first enable is under 18 mph)