Spencer Russell

Results 92 issues of Spencer Russell

I'm not really sure how to start troubleshooting this issue, but I'm getting way more completions in the pop-up than it seems I should. I can build my source file...

This is a first cut at autocomplete support. It assumes you're using supercolliderjs with my recent socket PR. Here it pulls the list of class names and documentation summaries right...

To reproduce: 1. Start Atom 2. Open a file 3. Toggle lcov-info 4. Toggle lcov-info back off 5. Double-click another file in the tree view Instead of the file opening...

Pretty much the only thing that should need to be fixed to work in windows is the synchronization between the Julia task and the C PortAudio callback. Currently we're using...


###### **Note:** This is a pretty broad issue and I imagine that as conversation develops it may get split into sub-issues, so feel free to go ahead and open up...

Once JuliaIO/FileIO#15 is merged we should add a file format for various audio files we support and register our handlers with FileIO's `registry.jl`

Currently we're sending a mono signal out to PortAudio. We need to put some thought into how multichannel audio should be handled. I think in general the audio should be...


Copied from @flpf's comment in #29: > I was wondering if it would be possible to include something like Octaves 'sound()' or 'soundsc()'function in AudioiO. I just wrote a small...

``` using AudioIO WARNING: deprecated syntax "{a=>b, ...}" at /home/fl/.julia/v0.4/AudioIO/src/portaudio.jl:40. Use "Dict{Any,Any}(a=>b, ...)" instead. WARNING: deprecated syntax "[a=>b, ...]" at /home/fl/.julia/v0.4/AudioIO/src/sndfile.jl:20. Use "Dict(a=>b, ...)" instead. ``` We should use Compat.jl...

Either we should assimilate WAV.jl or just include the package. Perhaps we could check dependencies and just put up a warning if the library dependencies aren't present, that way the...
