Sid Sampangi
Sid Sampangi
@karpathy Just wondering if there's been any progress on this, as I haven't been able to find much else about it online. I'd like to use your deep q learning...
@waylonflinn Definitely. GPU acceleration right from the browser could lead to some very cool and useful demo pages that don't need any extra setup to run - not to mention...
Wow @Edouard360, this is awesome! Please give me a few days to check out the code, as I'm a little busy with work now. Have you had a chance to...
It's been a while since I've looked at the code, and I don't have the time right now, but yes I think it's a basic character-level matching accuracy. We could...
Yeah I misread the architecture lol. Haven't gotten around to fixing it, but the code still worked albeit reduced accuracy.
Yes - since we're dealing with recurrent nets, long equations will result in more timesteps per equation, which means the training process will require more VRAM to store the data...
You need to run `source CATKIN_DIR/devel/setup.bash` where CATKIN_DIR is the location of your base catkin workspace folder.
Are you intending to use a webcam with ptam? It might be helpful to get a brief understanding of how ROS image topics work. They follow a publisher/subscriber model where...