I want to identify name , address from given Japanese text using python libraries import spacy nlp = spacy.load('xx_ent_wiki_sm') sentence = "私の名前はサイキランです" doc = nlp(sentence) print(doc.ents
Hello @Hironsan If you open a GitHub issue, here is our policy: 1. It must be a bug, a feature request, or a significant problem with documentation (for small docs...
Hello @albarrentine and @Phil Hutchinson I have followed the steps and was able to execute successfully on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS but still unable to import address_parser saikiran@saikiran-virtual-machine:~$ pkg-config --cflags libpostal...
Hi @albarrentine /Team I followed below steps to pip install postal or libpostal in windows10 but not sure how to proceed after make -j4. Unable to import from postal.parser import...
## System information (version) - Pytorch => :grey_question: - Operating System / Platform => :grey_question: - Cuda => :grey_question: ## Detailed description ## Steps to reproduce ## Issue submission checklist...