The Taiwanese API has been changed so the URL needs to be changed in the [source file]( and the [adapter updated]( The differences are pretty minimal, so it shouldn't be...
Hourly Data can be found here: Coordinates found in the source code of the map here:
Looks like we aren't pulling all the available stations in Cyprus from the [EEA adapter]( All stations can be viewed here: This might be related to the problem with...
The Environmental Evaluation and Enforcement Agency (OEFA, LIMA - PERU) reached out to us about adding data to the platform. Data can be viewed on a map and in a...
There are some data points with dates like `2027-08-20`, which must be an error in the adapter or from the source. Fetch should catch these and throw an error so...
Netherlands data is available through an API With it we can: - get more accurate data (the current method is sometimes returning -999 when it shouldn't be) - programmatically...
No API but seems fairly straightforward to get hourly-averaged data (or every 15 min in some cases) across 96 sites from here: An ftp server is mentioned [here]( but...