Scott Turner
Scott Turner
Ditto, I've run into this as well.
How about making the random number generator reproducible (by seeding, for example)? This would also permit multiple reproducible runs by switching seeds.
Both Parser and Grammar.fromCompiled allow you to specify an optional start element. Specifying a start element with Parser works only if you let Parser create the Grammar object, i.e., you...
Kudos for putting so much effort into writing this up and creating visualizations. Very clear to read and understand!
Ditto what everyone has said about how great this project is -- many thanks! I have a consistent problem with time synchronization via NTP failing (at least the initial synch)....
Upon further investigation, it appears that the SNTP process is lost during deep sleep, so you do need to configure and start it again upon wakeup. It appears that the...
I've submitted a pull request with the proposed fix for more reliable NTP synchronization. (Hopefully I did it correctly; not my forte!)
Since @YouCanNotBeSerious posted his photo in this thread I'll do the same for my finished version:  Box constructed of cherry and cocobolo, with a carved scene of "weather" on...