Sagar Muchhal

Results 193 comments of Sagar Muchhal

Coming from the CAPI/CAPV side of the table, `kapp-controller` is used to deploy the CPI/CSI pods which eventually move the nodes to a **Ready** state. We have a use case,...

I wouldn't say buggy behavior, but sometimes due to environment delays/network latency node provisioning might take time. CAPI uses the provider id as a unique identifier for the node, which...

Probably, I can simulate a similar scenario in this way. I can delete the VM on which `kapp-controller` is running. Am pretty sure this would cause a similar situation to...

I have seen issues during testing wherein the VM corresponding to a node got deleted, without the node being actually (drained/cordoned)removed from the cluster. This causes the `kapp-controller` pod to...

@yastij Would you mind taking a pass at this one? I will also add a review on this one, and maybe we could close the loop on this one.

@yastij This still seems to be the case for Machine addresses, something that we should look into again? /help

By design, the Kubernetes version for nodes in vSphere VMs created by CAPV depends on the template specified in the VSphereMachineTemplate used to create the Machine.

@yastij Is there anything we need to do about this? Unless there is a specific way to perform image look up based on the k8s version in the Machine, we...

This is not the correct fix for this one, can you create an issue for this and we can discuss more on the issue. /close