Stephen Leyva
Stephen Leyva
Hey @syhan, looks as if this project is kinda dead. If you need a vault operator, might I suggest:
It’s running into a conflict because the CRDs already exist. This can be resolved by adding the following to any subsequent helm installs ‘—set rbac.create=false’
@iravid I was looking at using this, however, I do think the pods needs to expose the port as well for it to be scraped through the `containers[*].ports` option. The...
It worked. I had the metric port misconfigured. Thanks @iravid! This work around is sufficient for us.
@HunterEl Have you tried the re-labeling solution above? It's been a minute since I've messed with this but I seem to remember it working. Though not entirely sure how as...
In that case you may need this feature added to the operator. Last I check the CRD doesn’t expose the option to open ports on flink pods. The Prometheus instances...
I’ve been implementing this locally over the elasticsearch vended primitives. Still a little newer to rust but mind if I take a shot at this issue?
Similar to the .Net client, I’ve implemented a static node list connection pool as a building block. I’ve noticed a common pattern of building on top of this and refreshing...
I believe your assessment is correct as far as changing the ConnectionPool interface to account for interior mutability. It seems the only way to do that across threads is a...
WIP as I still need to implement the `NodeInfo` parts, but thought I'd get feedback on the current reseed implementation and the changes to the `ConnectionPool` trait. :)