Srinivasan Ramabadran
Srinivasan Ramabadran
Few high level comments before going into code details 1. Can we build/test new distro based ARM aws-node binary on ARM instances. 2. Can we move entry _point script changes...
> > Few high level comments before going into code details > > > > 1. Can we build/test new distro based ARM aws-node binary on ARM instances. > >...
@cryptk - Would be great if you can share your use case that drives the requirement for VPC CNI as secondary plugin . AFAIK, VPC CNI as default delegate CNI...
@Jaeyo - Can you provide bit more context on what you are seeing. Lumberjack seems to be safe to use from multiple go routines as noted [here]( aws-node DS doesn't...
@Jaeyo - Thanks for sharing details. As you had pointed out, CNI binary would need to be fixed. Once we have fix, we will report back here.