Sridhar Iyer
Sridhar Iyer
Just my 2c here: Some of the metadata generated by these parsers are quite expansive and people will not be interested in using sqlite for this. In a separate project,...
Thanks William, I'll fix the exception handling. The RawConfigParser was used under the assumption that the custom fields can be in upper case. The default parser converts everything to lower...
Sure. Let me check with the owners on bz irc/mailing lists.
According to : "Some Bugzillas may treat your arguments case-sensitively, depending on what database system they are using. Most commonly, though, Bugzilla is not case-sensitive with the arguments passed...
Hi William, Let me know if you need me to change something else in this commit. - Sridhar
Typically bugs for the features/components have different owners, qa etc (infra/platform/os/ui/cli). There could have been two approaches to this: 1. Have separate files for different components/types/features. This gets messy pretty...
Yes, default section have to be edited every time you want to use a different section. The file has to be edited each time to change the description and summary...
Please let me know if this patch works for you.