I am trying to write one. You can see the code at . I am able to generate tiles for the given x, y, z but the utf grid...
Grid generation is working now. Used the python_grid_utils scripts from the python-mapnik repo. Replaced the python data structures with c++ data structures and it works for now. If any of...
Lexer and parser generated with antlr4 for go seems to be working okay. Lines 34 and 37 in the grammar file have the word 'error' which is a...
@sbinet : Files generated make use of the antlr go libraries. Java and the antlr jar file will not be needed though. About the PR: I am new to lexer/parser...
From what I have understood, sqlite3 generates bytecode by traversing through the parse tree. That bytecode and engine are internal to sqlite3 and can change without notice. What do...
@Jon-IB Yes, error messages and steps to reproduce will be helpful. If I am not wrong, error will be about 'on duplicate key update' not being supported in postgresql. Will...
Yes, dbtable-backed sessions would work in postgresql only with the change that you have made. As I understand it, session ids are generated by php. So, not sure if this...
You could try my fork which allows you to set the bit rate.
As I have said earlier, you can use my fork. You also have instructions on how to compile and use it.