
Results 136 comments of srcejon

Well, SDR++ doesn't work for me either. Haven't tried GQRX yet.

Have opened an issue for airspyhf

Right click on the repeat button (next to TX) and set delay between frames to 0.

In my mind at least, the frequency offset should only be used if decimation is enabled (and you have that set to 1 in the pic)

Yep, didn't look closely enough at your screenshot. Will fix.

What SDR do you have? Maybe try unplugging USB devices and restarting sdrangel to see if the crash is related to a particular USB device.

Maybe we should update the version included with SDRangel - that seems to be 1.0.23, which is nearly 2 years old.

Can you please let us know if 7.3.2 fixes the issue for you?

Yes. Uninstall current version, and then install the latest here:

> Lately it crashes way too often, it almost always crashes when closing. What features / channels do you have open when it crashes? A screen shot might help. It...