Suhas Bharadwaj
Suhas Bharadwaj
Opening this issue to add support for fc interfaces for nxos_interfaces module
##### SUMMARY Cisco MDS switches supports `distribute` for `logging` feature hence requesting that `distribute` param be added for `nxos_logging_global` module ##### ISSUE TYPE - Feature Idea/Enhancement ##### COMPONENT NAME `nxos_logging_global`...
##### SUMMARY Cisco MDS switches supports `distribute` for `ntp` feature hence requesting that `ntp` param be added for `nxos_ntp_global` module ##### ISSUE TYPE - Feature Idea/Enhancement ##### COMPONENT NAME `nxos_ntp_global`...
##### SUMMARY nxos_nxapi changes to support MDS ##### ISSUE TYPE - Bug Report ##### COMPONENT NAME `nxos_nxapi` These will be changes that will need to be incorporated Let me go...
nxos_logging_global: Ethernet-port-channel facility for state 'replaced' and 'deleted' fails on MDS
##### SUMMARY On MDS switches when we pass `facility: ethernet-port-channel `and `state` as `replaced` or `deleted`, it is sending the wrong cmd to the switch, it sends "`logging level eth_port_channel...
##### SUMMARY MDS switches support "distribute" option for ntp, but the same is missing in the module nxos_logging_global ##### ISSUE TYPE - Bug Report ##### COMPONENT NAME nxos_logging_global ##### ANSIBLE...
##### SUMMARY MDS switches support "distribute" option for ntp, but the same is missing in the module nxos_ntp_global ##### ISSUE TYPE - Bug Report ##### COMPONENT NAME nxos_ntp_global ##### ANSIBLE...
##### SUMMARY nxos_snmp_server module has multiple hypen(-) and underscore(_) issues for MDS switches ##### ISSUE TYPE - Bug Report ##### COMPONENT NAME nxos_snmp_server ##### ANSIBLE VERSION latest ##### COLLECTION VERSION...