Steven R. Baker
Steven R. Baker
I'm using White Bread on a project, and had considered simply forking it. But if you're still looking for a new maintainer, I'd be happy to. I am using it...
Sure thing, will do.
Got it! I'm going to fix the deprecations, and start working through issues. And we'll get a new, modern release prepared over the coming weeks. :D
What about if the "Save" button has a drop arrow that provides options "Show diff", which goes to a diff viewer with a "Save" button? Making it an optional two-step...
Hello again. I got some help from someone, and have enough fixes to warrant a new release. How do we go about transferring the publishing ownership on hex and such?...
Is it worth replacing the in-built authentication with Devise? I've been thinking about doing that...
I'm a fan of this, but I think an even better solution is to just merge First Name Last Name into "Name." Would such a patch be reasonable?
I'm going to take a crack at this. Thanks!