Sam Rabiyah
Sam Rabiyah
#79 adds a special tag for our demo site that says "DEMO SITE". At some point, we should get these translated!
Now that we remove the user’s email from all NoRent letter content in #1395 , Should we also remove it from `NorentLetterContentProps`? It seems a bit moot since we will...
Now that we have transitions our EFNYC tool to Eviction Free NY, and have a new site within the tenants2 repo, let's consider updating the naming of EFNYC related code...
In #1920, we fixed an issue where the parameters in a Python string were included within the parenthesis used to demark internationalization. Let's make a linting rule to try and...
Upon merging #1776, CodeClimate notified us that with the addition of new pages, we now had reduced front-end test coverage. Let's fix that!
See comment:
This PR internationalizes the entire Letter of Complaint front end. As part of this PR, I've also internationalized our full Onboarding flow that get's used within the LOC flow. See...
Example: We may want to consider internationalizing these DEMO-site messages in case we anticipate Spanish-dominant users using our demo site.
As @toolness brings up, having formatting/styling elements rather than content inside snippets to translate has the potential to confuse translators (especially since they can't see the actual type of tag)....
This email was hard-coded into our email verification thank you step in Onboarding, and was suggested to use the global variable in