Results 13 issues of sqwishy

I get a panic from an assertion failure in debug builds after starting a client that is configured to join a large number of channels. The message burst stuff is...


**Oni Version:** 0.3.6 **Neovim Version (Linux only):** NVIM v0.3.1-12-gc46997aa8 **Operating System:** CentOS Linux 7 **Issue:** I use a font called tamzen. as my primary monospace font for many applications,...

Some things: - Maybe double check that the grants and row level stuff for the schema is right because I'm not not really familiar with that stuff. - because POSTing...

Hi I noticed a number with a decimal point is picked up as a link as long as it's preceded by whitespace. not a link ``` 1.0 ``` is a...

Hi. I noticed that if I had a sequence of keyed items and, in an update, more than one element was inserted at the start of the sequence, the existing...

What I'm trying to do is deserialize a `StringRecord` but ignore some columns. The columns aren't known at compile time. It's easy to find their positions and grab the cells...

We should think about setting some concurrency limit on handling API requests, mostly because they'll often tie up a database connection to handle the request and I think this can...

This is a little bit annoying. You seemed amicable to having this removed on the call but if you are concerned about initiating a lot of database connections at once...

I don't know why but I was seeing rows in queue get running set to true but it wasn't being worked, they wouldn't even be returned by the original query....

There were a couple issues with the current implementation: 1. When reading stdout and stderr from the child, as soon as we hit EOF on one we would stop reading...