
Results 12 issues of squeak9

I have trouble telling green and red apart sometimes, especially in small details. I noticed the shop editor uses icons that are pretty small and are either red or green...


The site is so light and relatively private compared to other weather sites except for the twitter thing, could it be replaced with an image or just a hyperlink with...


### List the website(s) you're having issues: `https://esportsobserver.com/valve-scuf-patent-trial/` ### What happens? I can't read the article text. I can't read the article text, if I disable the Fanboy's Enhanced Tracking...

Please do this so users won't have to see the bright theme when loading the website for the first time. Information: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-color-scheme

### Feature Description You can search based on the features like Steam Cloud but the problem is that this is based on the store listings which can be incorrect. Example...

Feature Request

I noticed there was a new browser in the android list that I've heard of but don't know much about but the only info was the name (Mull), the version...

"uBlock Origin works best on Firefox" according to the developer: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/uBlock-Origin-works-best-on-Firefox Seems that addons are less capable on certain browsers especially when it comes to privacy preserving addons like ublock...

This is a great idea for an app, any chance you can add functionality to share audio from a PC to another PC? For example if you want to play...

new feature

getrevue.co doesn't resolve anymore, it stopped providing services in 2023: https://web.archive.org/web/20230408042930/https://www.getrevue.co/

This would make the app way more usable for me because I'm using navigation gestures.