Michael Bridgen

Results 172 comments of Michael Bridgen

It's not uncommon to have a "memorandum" RFC which describes the status quo, rather than proposing a new design. It seems like a needless indirection to use an RFC to...

I see, the aim is to put a file content into a subkey of values, rather than expecting a whole values file. Seems reasonable to me. I think this can...

OK -- I think that should be the place to begin troubleshooting then -- there's no AWS-specific code in this operator, so far as I know. Also, ICYMI: this operator...

> Is the credentials being shared by flux to helm-operator which is collected through ec2metadata? No, the Helm operator and fluxd don't share credentials. As it says here https://docs.fluxcd.io/projects/helm-operator/en/latest/references/chart/#use-helm-downloader-plugins, you...

It certainly is possible, and desirable. The difficulties are more architectural than technical: at present, fluxd only "knows" about manifests and images, and adding Helm charts to that seems headed...

> One reason I think upgrading helm charts instead of images when using helm for each application is because [...] I fully expect people to want to update the chart...

> My suggestion would be: > > * no version specified -> use the latest available version > * allow specifying a wildcard: `1.1.*`, or `1.*` > * specify an...

> This can still be done if the version schema is in an annotation and then the current version is in the version field of the helm release crd Yes,...

> It makes sense to me for helm-operator to watch for changes. vs > fluxd is definitely the right place, if this autoamation will be committing back to the master...