I used openbuild to package lrbd 2.0.3 for a number of distributions including CentOS 7. https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home:seanbolding:lrbd-2.0.3 Specifically to download the RPM for Centos 7: https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/seanbolding:/lrbd-2.0.3/CentOS_7/noarch/lrbd-2.0.3-2.1.noarch.rpm Enjoy.
Thanks Gelato for going over the shaman repositories. It's like a light went off in my head. I see everything now and OMG! You even have ceph at version 13...
Any word on when we can expect the new kernel? I see that its what is needed to solve a number of issues that are currently out there.