There are a few cases like this and I haven't been able to figure why it's failing yet. I'm looking into it.
This is a known issue with one of the signedwitnesses in the CAD market. I don't have a good solution yet. So far I can only think of invalidating all...
At this point there is nothing to do, unless you happen to have an original `SignedWitnessStore` file from October last year. I doubt anyone has it though.
@Bayernatoor could you send it to [email protected]? I'll take a look if it has the missing data.
It's a common data store so there is nothing private in there.
Makes sense to me and there's support for this issue, assigned it to @wallclockbuilder
As noted elsewhere by @stejbac on a similar proposal, if the redirection tx fee is too low to get mined, there is an attack vector. If there is no way...
How would this work? User sets up a skrill account, won't be able to create offers but it would match to sepa/faster payment/wire/national bank options while looking to take offers?...
It sounds reasonable to add this. I haven't looked at the details regarding checks to not allow selling for some account types but I suspect it's won't be hard to...