
Results 10 issues of spyderdsn

I think this project is abandoned now in favour of https://angle.sh/ “MagicMirror3 2.sketchplugin” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin. Sketch Version 61 (89581)

**Describe the bug** Google detects Puppeter even when using puppeteer-extra, puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth **Code Snippet** ``` puppeteer.launch({ headless: false, ignoreHTTPSErrors: true, executablePath: '/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome', args: [ '--window-size=800,800', "--no-sandbox", "--disable-dev-shm-usage", "--disable-gpu", "--disable-extensions",...

issue: bug report
needs triage

How to know when page blocks are done and DOM is fully updated? Is there any callback function? ` const { data: blockMap } = useAsyncData('page_nuxt', () => $notion.getPageBlocks(pageUrl))` at...

``` [3:26:14 PM] ERROR [nuxt] [request error] [unhandled] [500] Named export 'getPageBlocks' not found. The requested module 'file:///Users/user/website/node_modules/vue-notion/dist/vue-notion.umd.cjs' is a CommonJS module, which may not support all module.exports as named...

Currently this is my plugin file: ``` import VueNotion, { getPageBlocks, getPageTable } from "vue-notion"; export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => { nuxtApp.vueApp.use(VueNotion); return { provide: { notion: { getPageBlocks, getPageTable },...

Error in plugin "gulp-rollup" Message: Insufficient Rollup version: "rollup-plugin-commonjs" requires at least [email protected] but found [email protected].

![ezgif com-optimize](https://github.com/Alfred-Skyblue/vue-draggable-plus/assets/7193691/b3d5bfdf-7915-49ca-b88e-c9f92ce9c682) I noticed, when I have a list group and drag an item to an empty list, there is a fly back effect on the item dragged. This does...

# Bug Report ## Describe the bug Unable to call the API in Next.js, Unhandled Runtime Error Error: Failed to fetch dividend data: URLSearchParams is not a constructor ## Minimal...


``` "devDependencies": { "netlify-cli": "^17.8.1", "netlify-plugin-playwright-cache": "^0.0.1" }, "dependencies": { "axios": "^1.6.2", "playwright": "^1.44.1", } ``` Added to netlify.toml ``` [build] functions = "functions" publish = "src" command = "npx...


- Sequel Ace Version (including build number): Version 4.0.17, Build 20067 - Sequel Ace Source (App Store/GitHub/Homebrew): App Store - macOS Version: 14.5 - Processor Type (Intel/Apple): Apple - MySQL...

Cannot Reproduce
Workaround available