PR this perhaps? Whoops i replied to a five year old issue
I thought this module was fake for a second, but this is even dumber. **Remove the 3.12 build. It does not exist. By releasing fake builds, you are lying to...
There should be some original images built in for those who don't own any LD figures and are too lazy to whip up a pictogram for each
> There might be a logic that images will be expected in definite directory with predefined names/format/sizes. If token image file exists webpage will render it, otherwise token will be...
Why did you bump an 8 month old issue lmao
It should be working. Try again, make sure that you're properly installing it and that the script is running. The script needs to run for virtualhere to work.
Your problem's solved now? Close the issue.
ok might as well close this now cus its a hardware issue
Bump, i remember wanting to do this exact thing ages ago but i couldnt figure out how to get the readings to other programs