Dan Howard
Dan Howard
see https://vladmihalcea.com/optimistic-locking-version-property-jpa-hibernate/ might be useful.
See this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/java/comments/srnhsi/system_logger/
This originally was an issue with JTDS - since JTDS is scheduled for removal in 2.1.0 we need to revisit. See Converter.
We should have support to include the schema name as well as the table name when generating or using SQL. e,g, `SELECT [identity], [First Name], [Last Name], [ContactName] FROM [Contacts]`...
using 3.34.0 sqlite-jdbc Create the following table sql = "CREATE TABLE DateTestSQLTypes ( " + " ID INT, " + " Description VARCHAR(100), " + " DateOnly DATE, " +...
This is an issue reported a while back on sourceforge https://sourceforge.net/p/jtds/bugs/679/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8937360/wrong-data-type-returned-for-date-in-jtds-jar I'm just creating it in case anyone wants to look at it. This issue also appears on the...
[sqlite-old.txt](https://github.com/boulder-on/sqlite-jdbc/files/8218713/sqlite-old.txt) [sqlite-new.txt](https://github.com/boulder-on/sqlite-jdbc/files/8218714/sqlite-new.txt) I ran these tests https://github.com/sproket/Persism/blob/persism2/test/net/sf/persism/TestSQLite.java adding some extra benchmark logging.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/LoggerFactory at com.github.jknack.handlebars.Handlebars.(Handlebars.java:313) It's not hard to add your own logger and check if the one you want is available and fall back to JUL. See how I did...
I'm sure there's a reason. I realized I need to use the column names when using SQL.sql method. Maybe we should be able to handle that situation.