Dan Howard
Dan Howard
The simple fetch you see commented out is because the overload collides if you have a primary key that is a string. The usual method is fetch(class, sql, params) so...
FYI - The update would usually always return 1 unless you implement Persistable or extend PersistableObject since these do the check for changed fields.
I would recommend for now to use if (fetch()) which returns true if found. Or use the other one and check for null.
Check out my experimental branch. It's a new API. Let me know what you think.
see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2572566/java-jpa-version-annotation
If we do this we could possibly improve this implementation by merging the rows if possible.
I agree. This is an issue when using mirth exports under version control.
This is a great idea!
NON standard sql.
Hi, hope you're doing well! Yeah MySQL for example has REPLACE.