
Results 6 comments of SpringHack

可以搞独立表情方案嘛,不然总感觉缺点啥 发自我的超级手机 2017年9月18日 14:54于 衣带渐宽人渐悔 写道: 收到的官方表情包是没有有效数据的,没法判断对方发的是啥 2017-09-18 14:37 GMT+08:00 SpringHack : > 刚开始可以爬微信官方表情:https://sticker.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/ > mmemoticon-bin/emoticonview?oper=billboard&t=pages/rank/index > 保存本地然后当图发; > 然后后期考虑做个图片收藏的表情功能。 > > 当然这都是和微信的数据脱节的 -。- > > 我准备搞一下试试 > > ―...

Did you use compress middleware? I have same problem while using compress middleware with [filebrowser](https://github.com/filebrowser/filebrowser) inside my k3s cluster, even I set `includedContentTypes` only contain mime types like this: ```yaml...

I write a k8s yaml to reproduce this problem, a simple html and mp4 video, can't seek progress, unless remove the compress middleware: ```yaml --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata:...

@nmengin add a contenttype middleware won't solve this problem, I read the code and I guess maybe [here](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/blob/6a06560318c4d940a211e7007f5e0b715480c360/pkg/middlewares/compress/brotli/brotli.go#L162) and [here](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/blob/6a06560318c4d940a211e7007f5e0b715480c360/pkg/middlewares/compress/brotli/brotli.go#L169), request with `range` header go into brotli handler, which contenttype...

Same issue, and after some debug, I notice it's because the code in `interface_darwin.go`, in `prepareInterface`, it set mtu/address and set interface status up, but as I know `netlink` is...
