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Spring Framework

Results 529 spring-framework issues
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**Affects:** All Versions since 3.2? When configuring a custom cache error handler via `CachingConfigurer::errorHandler` and having transaction-aware caching enabled (for example, via `RedisCacheManager.RedisCacheManagerBuilder::transactionAware`, which decorates with `TransactionAwareCacheDecorator`), the cache error...

in: core
type: enhancement
status: feedback-provided

Backport of gh-32687

in: test
type: documentation
in: web
type: backport

Backport of gh-32687

in: test
type: documentation
in: web
type: backport

A [recent Spring REST Docs issue](https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-restdocs/issues/926) has reminded me of the ambiguity of using the `param` method when building a mock request. You cannot tell if the parameter was intended...

in: web
type: enhancement

### Enhancement/ Misleading description in javadoc. In the Javadoc of `ControllerAdviceBean` you can read > Encapsulates information about an @ControllerAdvice Spring-managed bean without necessarily requiring it to be instantiated. The...

status: waiting-for-triage
in: web

If AOT fails to generate the code, it doesn't provide enough context to track down the problem. Here's an example: ``` Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Default code generation is...

in: core
type: enhancement
theme: aot

## Summary `ServerRequest.paramNotNull()`(MVC) and `ServerRequest.queryParamNotNull()`(WebFlux) has been added to retrieve query parameters that are sure to be non-null without **unnecessary null checking (Optional Wrapping, etc.)**. ## Description In general, functional...

status: waiting-for-triage
in: web
theme: kotlin
status: waiting-for-internal-feedback

## Summary **Fix lambda expressions that can confuse conventions in `RouterFunctionDsl.kt`.** ## Description ```kotlin /** * Before */ fun GET(pattern: String, f: (ServerRequest) -> Mono) { builder.GET(pattern) { f(it).cast(ServerResponse::class.java) }...

in: web
type: enhancement
theme: kotlin